Maximising Visibility: The Importance of Marketing Your Entry

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Tourism is important to Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and the Aberdeen City and Shire Thistle Awards are all about showcasing businesses and highlighting the importance of our sector.

For finalists, it is important to ensure that you are noticed and then recognised accordingly. In this article, we are going to look at how important it is to market your entry in order to increase your chances of finding success.

Why Visibility Matters

Visibility isn’t just about being seen; it’s about making an impact. Here’s why it matters:

1. Recognition

When judges sift through numerous award entries, they seek something that lingers in their memory. A distinctive Unique Selling Point (USP) ensures your business leaves an indelible mark. Whether it’s exceptional service, innovative products, or community engagement, make it memorable.

2. Credibility

A visible presence lends credibility. It signals that you’re a serious player in your field. When faced with similar options, customers and partners will remember what sets you apart.

3. Networking Opportunities

Visibility opens doors. It provides opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals, potential collaborators, and influencers. Whether it’s industry events, conferences, or online platforms, being visible enhances your network.

Strategies for Promoting Your Award Entry

Let’s explore actionable strategies to maximise your visibility:

1. Leverage Social Media

  • Announce Your Nomination: Share the exciting news on your social media platforms. Use eye-catching visuals and compelling captions.
  • Countdown Posts: As the awards ceremony approaches, create countdown posts. Build anticipation and engage your audience.

2. Craft Engaging Press Releases

  • Write a Compelling Story: Craft a press release that highlights your journey, achievements, and the significance of the awards. Send it to local media outlets.
  • Include Quotes: Quotes from key team members add authenticity and humanise your story.

3. Network Effectively

  • Attend Industry Events: Attend networking events related to tourism and hospitality. Mention your nomination during conversations.
  • Collaborate with Other Finalists: Partner with fellow finalists for joint promotions. Cross-promote each other’s businesses.

4. Optimise Your Website

  • Dedicated Awards Page: Create a page on your website specifically for awards. Showcase your nomination, past accolades, and testimonials.
  • SEO: Optimise your content with relevant keywords related to the awards. This boosts your chances of appearing in search results.

Benefits of Increased Visibility

What are the advantages of being in the spotlight:

1. Brand Exposure

Visibility places your brand in the spotlight, ensuring it occupies a prominent position. Here’s why it matters:

  • Awareness: When potential customers encounter your brand consistently, they become familiar with your products or services.
  • Top of Mind: Being visible keeps your brand at the forefront of their minds. When they need a solution, they’ll think of you first.
  • Differentiation: In a crowded market, visibility sets you apart. It’s a chance to showcase what makes your brand unique.

2. Trust Building

A visible presence contributes significantly to building trust. Consider these aspects:

  • Credibility: When customers see your brand consistently, it signals reliability and authenticity.
  • Reputation: Positive visibility enhances your reputation. People trust businesses that are well-known and respected.
  • Consistency: Consistent visibility reinforces your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

3. Networking Opportunities

Increased visibility opens doors beyond your immediate customer base:

  • Collaborations: Other businesses notice visible brands. Collaborations, joint ventures, and partnerships become viable.
  • Industry Connections: Attend events, conferences, and webinars. Visibility leads to valuable industry contacts.
  • Influencer Engagement: Influencers and thought leaders are more likely to engage with visible brands.


Remember, the Aberdeen City and Shire Thistle Awards will also promote our finalists, amplifying your reach. So, embrace visibility, celebrate your achievements, and let the world know why your business deserves recognition!